My nature travel landscape photo blog

Welcome to my Nature and Travel photography blog, where you'll find my latest articles to help you get away from it all ...

Motion blur and hand-held photography

Motion blur - La Baie d'Authie, Somme, France

The best way to stabilise your camera is to use a tripod. But sometimes you forget to use a tripod, or you're not allowed to. So you need to know a few tricks for stabilising your camera to avoid camera shake.

The Bay of the Somme

Sunset at Le Crotoy, France

In this article, I'd rather take a photographic look at the Baie de Somme. For nature lovers, an ecological expanse of more than 70Km2, how can we not talk about it? Let's discover this...

6 tips for photographing white animals

White animals - Little Egret

White animals are very easily over-exposed and often even burnt out. Yet it is perfectly possible to capture a great deal of detail in white fur or feathers.
Here are a few tips to avoid "burning" this wildlife in white dress.

5 tips for photographing plants

Aeonium in a tree - Photographing plants

As a nature lover, here are 5 basic tips for photographing plants. These tips should enable you to obtain simply beautiful photographs and reduce post-production work.

The village of Conques

Conques, Aveyron, France

Location - Where is Conques? Today, for this new article in the "photo story" category, I've chosen a photo of Conques, in Aveyron, taken in August 2018. Perhaps you've already heard of it?

Textures and Photography

Tower of Caesar and Collegiate Church of St Quiriace

One of my favourite creative aspects of photography, as you might have guessed from the title, is textures. I find that textures can be a real 'creative' plus for certain photos.

Portraits of horses

Horses, Les écuries de Thalie

Today, I'd like to share with you my approach to photographing portraits of horses. I love photographing animals and nature from all angles.

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