Tag: Beginner level

If you're new to photography, these articles are designed to help you get started! Tips, shooting, software, post-production, the art of photography.

Photography, a tool for meditation and fulfilment

Photography, meditation and fulfilment
In today's fast-paced world, where notifications invade our daily lives, it's crucial to find moments to refocus and reconnect with our surroundings. Landscape photography, often seen as a simple pastime, can be transformed into a powerful tool for meditation and fulfilment.

Essential equipment for photographers on the move

Nomadic photographer - Spatula - Baie de Somme - France
For many photographers, travelling is an inexhaustible source of inspiration. But it's impossible to take all your equipment with you! So what is the essential equipment for the nomad photographer, to travel light, stay free and not miss a single unique moment?

Photographing reptiles and amphibians

Common Iguana, Reptiles and Amphibians
Photographing reptiles and amphibians has a few special features. Between their camouflage, their immobility and their hiding places, they don't make our task any easier!
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