Tag: Advanced level

If you're an expert in photography, these articles are for you to exchange and share our successes and failures in photography! Let's chat about the art of photography.

Limit the digital noise in your photos!

Digital noise in photography
I'd like to talk to you about digital noise. In this increasingly digital world, digital noise is an obstacle that can be found everywhere, whether in photography, video or sound. As far as we photographers are concerned, let's explore the different forms of noise, and how to optimise the quality of our images.

Creating a panoramic photo

Panoramic view of the ramparts of Provins
I invite you to explore the world of panoramic photography. If you're wondering how to make your own, you've come to the right place. Here are some practical tips for creating your own panoramic images.

6 tips for photographing white animals

White animals - Little Egret
White animals are very easily over-exposed and often even burnt out. Yet it is perfectly possible to capture a great deal of detail in white fur and feathers. Here are a few tips to help you avoid "burning out" these white animals.

Take a long exposure!

Eggum Beach, Lofoten, Norway
Long exposure is a photographic capture technique. It involves shooting for a few seconds to several tens of minutes.
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